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Determining that next step in your career… difficult!

27 February 2023

For many young graduates, finding a first job is no problem at all in these current times. However, partly due to the lack of self-knowledge, the first work experience unfortunately often does not match the image they had of the job. A career coach can then be very helpful to determine which job and environment do suit your personality. However, partly due to the abolition of career checks for employees who have less than 7 working years on their counter, this is an expensive joke. Or not? Discover our alternative here.

That first job is ok, but still…

With enthusiasm, but also with little knowledge about job content and what an organization really looks like, many young people get to work. The direct sphere of influence is often the catalyst for his or her choice: friends, parents… after all, they know better. But soon they notice – once started – that it is not quite ‘that’ after all.

You know what you don’t want. But what do you want?

Usually it is also clear what they no longer want. For example, think of that very directive manager. Or the other extreme, a manager who leaves them completely on their own. Or a job that is very repetitive and not that challenging at all, despite the attractive company image. The difficulty lies in the ‘what it should be’ rather than ‘what I don’t want anymore’. After all, making the wrong choice twice is a doomsday scenario for many.


And now? Good news!

At myCareerCompanion, we believe that young professionals should  permanently be given powerful tools to make the right choices:

  • Cultural match

How well do I fit into the culture of my (future) employer? Is the company more people-oriented or result-oriented? Do I prefer a predictable environment with structure and procedures, or rather a dynamic environment with a lot of freedom and creativity? Working in the right environment has a major impact on how happy an employee is within an organization.

  • Jobmatch

Which roles not only correspond to my competences, but also to my interests and motivations? After all, too often a job choice is only dictated by what someone can do well or is able to learn. That is certainly an important factor, but also the energy that someone gets from doing the job it is important, which can often be associated with his interests. It is not an ‘OR’ but an ‘AND’ story.

  • Boundary conditions

The life of a 20-year-old and a young 30-year-old are subject to change. A new lover, living together, building a house, having children, moving to another city… these are just a few examples. In addition, commuting every day and those traffic jams can be quite disappointing, while always working from home turns out to be less than ideal for others. A thorough reflection on what it really should be is extremely relevant – even more than a salary or that electric Tesla Model 3.

No career checks, but affordable.

Since January 1, 2020, the government has unfortunately cut back on career checks for employees with less than 7 years of work experience. That’s a pity. Because the need for coaching among this group of workers has not diminished. And hiring a career coach can quickly add up to several hundred euros.

Good news, myCareerCompanion offers a full “online” trajectory. On your own pace. With concrete and useful output. For only 75 euros.


How does myCareerCompanion help?

Your cultural fit, competences, interests and talents are mapped out via a scientifically based career orientation platform with 5 tests. Then myCareerCompanion will concretize this output into your myCareerCompass with suggestions of job categories and job functions that are in line with your profile. And that includes possible skills that you need to improve and the ideal type of organizations for you. Are you open to a new challenge? Then use your myCareerCompass results to filter through our job opportunities. How this works? Click here.

In addition to this myCareerCompass, there are many online courses available that help to take concrete action (building a CV, going through application processes, assessment centers, networking, etc.)

myCareerCompanion therefore offers 24/7 career guidance, 365 days a year. And this at your own pace.

Do you want more info? click here here.

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