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Junior Business Developer (student)

  • Flexible
  • Company culture: Adhocracy, Clan
  • Job category: Sales
  • Job classification: Promoter / Entrepreneur


Which skills & talents will you use?

  • Communication
  • People skills
  • Persuading and selling
  • Presentation skills
  • Proactivity

Which intrinsic interests will you be able to use and explore further?

  • Enterprising
  • Investigate
  • Social

What will you do?

If you are in your final or penultimate year of your Master’s degree, you are eligible to start with us as a Junior Business Developer. In this role, you will be responsible for exploring new markets and identifying potential customers together with our Growth Lead and co-CEO. You will be part of the sales team and will also work closely with the marketing and delivery team. Your tasks will include: 

– Lead generation: You will gather information and assess whether leads are suitable for our offering.  

– Customer identification: You will think about and search for potential customers and collect their contact details. 

– Cold calling: You call potential customers to see if they are interested and schedule a first meeting. 

– Collaboration: You work closely with the other teams to identify the right customers and turn opportunities into sales. 

– Reporting: You keep track of what happens during your calls and your preparatory work, and continuously coordinate with your team on this. 

The common thread in our offer is communication, proactivity, enthusiasm and team spirit! We are a small structure, so your suggestions and ideas are always appreciated.

Salary package

  • Competitive salary package


Which career drivers will you be able to aspire?

  • Intellectual / physical challenge
  • Intrapreneurship / ownership
  • Professional/Technical excellence

These are the boundary conditions

  • Parttime
  • Minimum experience: No work experience
  • Languages needed: Dutch

Where will you work?

At myCareerCompanion, we want to help to make the most out of talent. That (young) professionals have their nose in the right direction. That they get to know and assess themselves better, and that they end up with employers who can get the most out of their talents and who can offer a great long-term cooperation.

Our online platform is the ecosystem that makes this all possible. We dare to call it revolutionary, because we take into account every important part of the search for the ideal job. From the hyper-precise assessment of personality, competencies, the desired job content and company culture, to offering online training, to facilitating the first meeting between talent and company.

The big engine behind myCareerCompanion? Our scientifically and academically based algorithm, which makes the difference between a questionable hire and a top long-term partnership. We would be happy to tell you more about the specific details in person. We can already reveal the result: a qualitative inflow of talent and an uninterrupted outflow tailored to your needs.

  • Toegestane bestandstypen: pdf, doc, docx, Max. bestandsgrootte: 8 MB.
  • Dit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.

It's a match? Our talent success managers will contact you immediately. Together we go through the match and we assess your personal wishes.

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